The Local Development Strategy


The strategy is used to reach a strong and sustainable progress in the area of Skånes Ess as well as to guide LAG in prioritizing and selecting applications.

The foundation of the development strategy 2014-2020 is made up of numerous analyses of the needs and opportunities of the area covered by Skånes Ess. For instance eight open meetings were arranged where residents, as well as people operating in the area, participated and conveyed their needs, opinions and ideas. An environmental plan has specifically been developed for the area and a market research has been completed by a third-party consultant. With the analysis, reconciliation with other development actors, the EU2020 strategy, as well as the national prioritizations as a basis, five objectives and four operational focus areas have been presented.

To reach a strong and sustainable progress in the area of Skånes Ess the practice is permeated by flexibility and compliance. In order to reach sources of ideas Skånes Ess works as an outreach programme and initiates gatherings and workshops. Contact is taken with groups and organisations considered able to contribute in reaching the set targets. When needed, possibilities for support within specific areas of development are proclaimed. Skånes Ess also pertains to keep collaborating with Leader areas in the region, in Sweden and in Europe.

The strategy aims to encourage processes that will lead to innovation. This is in part done by means of the outline which the focus areas and the targets constitute, and in part by the envisaged work procedure and approach. Guidance prior to the application is provided from a council conducive to innovation. Continuous monitoring and revisions of the strategy maintain its functionality and encourage further innovation.

Skånes Ess implement Community-Led Local Development in the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Regional Development, the European Regional Development Fund and the European Social Fund. The adjacent Leader area, LEADER Sydöstra Skåne, implement the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund in the same geographical area. In so doing the Leader areas overlap each other while the funds don’t.

With this strategy as a basis our vision and target is that by the year 2020 Skånes Ess will be a model area where sustainable usage of locally determined resources creates a quality of life for everyone.
